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C7 Description

C7 meeting in Piteå

C7 meeting in Piteå, Sweden taught us things about:

  • Mental health pertaining to Social Media
  • Ethics
  • Gender norms and inclusive communication in Media
  • Inclusive portraits and stereotypes

Answered questions

  • The participants answered questions, such as:
    How can you avoid stereotypes in your portraits, for example in terms of body language, face expression, camera angle, and doing so in a natural way?
  • In what way and how much are portraits in social media “improved” with filters? – What effect do you think these changes have on the viewer in general? – What effect do you think it has on you? Are there any differences within your group?
  • How much does others affect us when it comes to Social Media when it comes to negative body image, confidence and mental health?
  • How are different genders portrayed on the internet/social media?

The learning activities

In Piteå were based on various learning strategies such as

  • Activities learning,
  • Project-based learning, and
  • Collaborative learning.
  • Seminars and workshops were led by professionals and teachers from Strömbackaskolan, Mariana Vnuk and RICE interactive. Mariana Vnuk focused on gender norms in media, Linda Celander (teacher, Strömbackaskolan) held a workshop on Social Media influence, Hannah Modig (student counselor, Strömbackaskolan) talked about mental health and the underlying causes in connection to Social Media and RICE interactive focused on workshops pertaining to the discussion climate on Social Media. All of these activities led to producing 3 talkshows in our tv-studio where all the topics from the entire project were discussed.


Talkshow about Sexting and mental health
Talkshow about digital footprints and hatespeech
Talkshow about GDPR and Internet addiction

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